Frequently asked question
Your artwork needs to be in CMYK color format for the best printing results. This ensures accurate color representation and high-quality transfers.
We prefer PNG files for the best quality, but we also accept AI and PDF files, as long as they have a transparent background.
We prefer artwork with a 300 DPI resolution for optimal print quality. Please note that it is your responsibility to provide high-resolution artwork to ensure the best results. We do not refund for poor quality artwork.
We do not offer exact color matching, but we do our best to match your artwork as closely as possible. Our printers use the CMYK color format, while your computer screen displays colors in RGB. For the best results, please create or upload your artwork in CMYK, as this will provide a closer match to the final print.
By submitting images, you are confirming that you either own the rights to the images or have permission to use them. Fusion Transfers is not responsible for any unauthorized use of trademarked or copyrighted material.
Our typical turnaround time is 1 business day, but it may take up to 2 business days depending on the order.
Yes, you can rush your order! Simply select the "Rush Order" option at checkout, and your order will be prioritized at the top of the list. We guarantee a 1-business-day turnaround time, with the possibility of same-day processing.
Yes, we offer overnight shipping! Select this option at checkout, and your order will be rushed through production. It will then be shipped overnight via UPS for the fastest delivery.
We guarantee your prints, and if there is a quality issue or damage caused by us, we will offer a refund or reprint your order. However, this guarantee does not cover issues caused by low-resolution or poor-quality artwork. Please ensure your artwork meets our resolution standards for the best results.